Wednesday, December 26, 2007

State to Ban Hallucinogenic Plant! Will more Follow?

On January 1st a law will take effect in Illinois that will make possession or sale of a plant called Salvia divinorum a felony.

The plant can cause hallucinations within seconds after it’s smoked or ingested. Violators could face harsh legal consequences.

Due to the change in the law, people are stocking up on it. Salvia, apparently is a type of hallucinogenic that can be similar to LSD although, this comparison is not well supported by people that use Salvia.

Federal drug laws do not address the substance, so some states are choosing to adopt laws regulating it.

Several people are going to their local retailers to stock up on the herb before the law goes into effect.
Other States with similar laws are: Tennessee, Delaware, North Dakota and Missouri. Louisiana, Maine and Oklahoma, also have laws controlling Salvia.



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